Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 9

I have 14 open tabs. Wow, fourteen. They all must have appealed to me in one way or another at some point. So I will just go through the tabs and see what happens.

Note one - the first woman lives somewhere in NY that I have never heard of - wants a next door neighbor - found it - a town of 7,000 people. There isn't anyone within her radius. Oh well - I guess this is G&G - my note was ok - not great.

Well, my second tab - one that I was excited about even though I was out of her age range - has apparently left the building. Oh well. I hesitated. I lost. My guess, though, I wouldn't get a note back. I base this on not getting any notes back from anyone I have written to lately. Sigh.

Note two - a women whose picture I liked before - I don't know if I wrote her a note or not - I might have - I might not - leaning towards having written - oh well - I didn't allude to it in my new note. Not awesome, but ok.

Note three - I am not sure about this one - I think I closed her tab and then re-opened it. A little heavy on religion - but what the heck. I am in a typing mood. - too late - she has left the building also.

Note three - I am out of her age range - so probably grins and giggles. Not a great note at all - but not a "Hi, ur hot" note either.

Closed the next tab - just couldn't send a note -

Note four - I am torn about this one - I am going to write just because I have fingers - she seems like an interesting person, yet...ok note. Didn't flow all that smoothly - as if that mattered...Good notes never have won fair damsels no matter what Cyrano would like us to believe...

Note five - This woman looked at my profile and didn't write. Not much in her profile. Not a bad note if I must say so myself.

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