Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 31

I have a bunch of open tabs - 9 it looks like - now, I think I am just making a point. That most women either don't really want a relationship or at least don't want a relationship with me. Which, mathematically makes sense, of course. Still, it is frustrating...

First letter was to a woman who lives in Toronto - 40 years old - on ok Cupid - 65% Match and 15% enemy - so not really a great match - she just appealed - but I am sure it was jut G&G for me.

Second letter to an empty profile with a picture - G&G.

Maybe I should make it a contest - see who can guess how many messages I can write before I get a positive response. By positive response, I mean something that is intended to further communication and the process of getting to know another person. Fear not, I wouldn't throw the competition by writing a lot of bad emails. G&Gs for sure, as I just feel the need to write and to be doing something. I think I might be close to 30 now...

And OK Cupid tabs are responsible for eating my computer's memory. Poo on them. Lesson mostly learned - if I see an OKC person, write them and close the tab immediately

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