Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 28

Thank you for the feedback on my potential profile text. I will make some tweaks and post it - probably over the weekend. I sincerely doubt it will make any difference at all - but I will feel better for having done something new and exciting in my never ending search for a partner.

Yup, nary a letter yesterday - two reasons for that - one was that I was pretty busy at work - and two was that I wanted to wait until I posted my new profile text. This is what I am going with for now:

Dear Potential Partner,

Finding a date or even a life partner is a bit like looking for someone to fill a job, don’t you think? As the hiring manager, are you primarily looking for reasons to hire someone? Or are you looking for reasons to not hire someone?

Reasons to pick me: intelligent, funny, honest, moderately handsome (a friend recently told me I was "even more handsome in person"), curious, adventurous (not thrill seeking), creative, productive, energetic, educated, traveled, polite, patient, indefatigable, happy, all around cool guy, and, as you can tell, humble. Also, 9 out of 10 people who would recommend me as a partner say that I am witty, charming and playful. (The tenth is hiding from me, relocated somewhere in witness protection, apparently.)

Reasons not to pick me - well - you can decide what those are on your own.

I seek someone whose positive qualities are in line with mine.

As another friend said - for me, trying to describe myself in words is "like a dance trying to hang itself on the wall of a museum." Meeting me is probably the only way to start to "get" me. But writing me a note is a good start.

Sincerely, with a smile,


What do you think? Will the responses start rolling in? Scads and scads of them. Ha. Hahahahahaha. Ha.

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