Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 14

Lots of open tabs again. Sigh. I must admit to some reluctance to keep bashing my head against this wall. But I keep thinking how nice it will be when I can eventually stop. And, honestly, it gives me something to do. Yes, taking care of my mom and working at the Smith both take up time, and daily, weekly, and monthly home and personal maintenance take up time. As do other funner activities that I do sometimes (juggle, play piano, play xBox, read, write (oh, look, I'm writing now!) use minutes in a day. And they are all valid uses of my time. I would, though, I think and believe, like to be in a real, happy, healthy long term relationship. And unless I happen into a woman at The Smith - or a traveling sales person (hmm, would I really have lots in common with someone who was a traveling sales person) knocks on the door, I believe that expanding my surface area by continuing to send out message after message, reaching out to all and sundry, just might make me feel like I am making a true effort in finding a life partner.

I posed a question on my status line on FB about being in a relationship with someone who dictated who your friends could be. I limited it to FB, but that sort of behavior has been happening throughout time. I, of course, am of the opinion that if someone told me that I couldn't be friends with so and so or else, then I might very well choose not to be in the relationship. Love, which we hope is the basis of a relationship, is, to me, about acceptance - which also encompasses respect and trust. I accept my love, my partner, as they are - which means I respect their choices and trust that they are doing the best they can for themselves. And if that includes being friends with someone that I think is not in their best interest, I might mention my belief to them, but not "forbid" them to have anything to do with that person. Once I have shared my thoughts, I can then re-think our own relationship. Maybe the person I am in a relationship isn't the best person for me to be with.

First note - G&G since our match percentages are messed up (OK Cupid - 45 - not far sort of) 50% Match 37% Friend 32% Enemy - eek actually... All she had for most of her answers was "sex sleep eat drink dream" Sigh.

Second Note - Probably also G&G because she lives in Canada - but nothing ventured... - 40 and 74% Match 45% Friend 7% Enemy - Short and sweet and clear profile! Going for a slightly humorous note. Wish me luck! - She said distance was an issue. Lame. Whatever. I wrote her a note I always mean to ask - especially when I have written a decent note - which I did in her case - which is "Does she receive notes that are twice as good from people half the distance away?" I sincerely doubt it...She responded that she was new and that mine was the best so far! Maybe mine was the only one. Who knows? Still, it is somewhat reassuring to hear that I give good notes!

Next note - I don't remember if this is a first note or not. I remember this woman and am not sure if I put fingers to keys for her before - I think I did - but I can't recall. Oh well. Damn match for not keeping track of all messaging history! Glarp even. 

Third Note - Match 45 - probably G&G because I get a conservative vibe from her - and because she only wants someone 50. Age is just a number is a mantra I often here...Anyway, she lives almost next door in a relative sort of way. My note was nice, but not great. 

Fourth Note - Match 37 - not far - but the age is wrong - and again I get the conservative vibe. So I sent a G&G note. 

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