Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ups and downs

Ups and downs and I can't let them get to me. Life is spiral-like. Not truly cyclical as each revolution is at a different point in time, not the same point of time when it first came to be. And it isn't regular, so maybe spiral isn't the right word. Wave-like for sure. Anyway, for me the secret seems to be to keep even the downs fairly high up. Long time readers have seen my few depression/depressed/depressive posts. I don't get way down easily.

That being said, every day can have its fluctuations. Right now, one thing that drives fluctuations is the status of my inbox. If there are interesting messages from interesting people in there, huzzuh! If not, whatever the opposite of huzzuh is. Anyone? I soldier on, though. Nothing else I can really do. And keep on writing myself. Notes to more people (women). Notes to myself (blogs). My life is full so I can almost always find something to write about. But I crave interaction. And when I don't get it, well, little dips ensue. Teeny ones, actually. Still, dips are dips. This is especially true when I am excited about hearing from someone. Right now there are three someones I am interested in hearing from. Well, four, but the last one doesn't count (as I can not really fathom her writing). So, I will keep writing anyway, and keep checking my inbox. And keep on keeping on...

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