Friday, February 7, 2014

Feb 6

First thing I did was to write back to a couple of people. For some reason I am awake at 5 in the morning, so I decided to get some writing done. Yay! I think I will also write to a few people on and maybe one on OKC.

By the way, besides these daily notes on notes and daily dating occurrences, I hope to find the time and mental energy to write posts on other aspects of relationships. I have a few posts started and hope to have time next week to flesh them out and post them.

First note - to a woman on OKC. Admittedly, we are not a great match - 56% match, 60% friend and, eeek - 35% enemey! OKC even says that we have issues. She is 42 and lives less than 50 miles away. Why, you ask, am I writing her? G&G. And because her favorite movie is The Princess Bride - as is mine!

Second note - woman - 48 - less than 30 miles away - her desired age range tops out at 50, her profile is not pithy - but she seems like someone who I might like to know better.

Third note - woman - 37 years old - 57 miles away (Ok, I don't really know the exact mileage for any of these people - they don't give out street addresses - which is probably wise) - her age range tops out at 48 (which is pretty reasonable - so I am definitely pushing the envelope a bit) and she would like someone who lives within 30 miles. I guess she lives in a place with a high population density, unlike here in Geneva, NY. I liked her smile.

Maybe (if anyone is out there reading this)(then again, mostly I am doing this for my own amusement and edification) you are wondering why I write so many emails. It is partly a math thing - or rather a statistical thing. Or maybe it is just a gut thing - the scattergun approach. Throwing lots of me out there and hoping that something sticks. Also, check out my post on Ups and Downs. Interaction is one thing I am seeking. Of most any (healthy) kind.

Fourth note - - cool name, 37, not horrendously far away - yet again I am out of her age range but hope springs eternal. Anyway, we really don't have that much in common - but she did mention she liked to play pool. I would love to date or be in a relationship with someone who liked to play pool. So I asked her if there were any good pool places near her. Doubt I will hear.

Fifth Note - see, I am jonesing for communication here - 43 - within walking distance (ok, not really - just trying to think of different distance descriptors) - I don't know what it was about her - perhaps her smile in her profile picture - or a couple of things she said in her profile text, but I thought, why not write. Her top age is 50, though.

I just had an epiphany-let - why I like video/computer games (or games in general). It is because of the interaction. Not necessarily the challenge, the winning or losing, but the give and take that happens, sometimes with another person, sometimes just with a well written AI. Hmm.

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