Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb 5

First note of the day (early - after I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and did some other stuff - like work - sigh) was to a woman on who showed up in my daily matches. 53 - but another one who wants someone who makes substantial money. Sigh. I think, I am pretty sure, that I have written her before. She lives south of me and seemed interesting - when I say this, what do I mean? I mean that her profile wasn't empty - or didn't have just a few adjectives describing herself - or wasn't a diatribe about what she didn't want - she seemed to have thought about what she was writing and did a good job of piquing my interest. She didn't write back last time, so I am guessing she won't write back this time. Match deletes messages after 30 days automatically. This is a mixed blessing - good because one doesn't have to do much mailbox maintenance - bad because of situations like this, where I think I have written someone but Match doesn't remember that I did...

Second note - - a woman who is 45 and lives less than 50 miles away - and is looking for someone in my age range! (For some reason, I have been thinking that I am 52 - oh, right, because I am - soon to be 53 though. Hmmm) She is letting her pictures do the talking - many posted and not much verbiage - no profile text, no headline text and barely any of the other stuff filled out. This makes me a bit wary that she may not be real. Or just not interested in writing. Hmm.

Third Note - - A new to me woman appeared in my match mail and after sitting on her (not literally - I mean, I had her profile open in a tab) for a day or two, I decided to write. She is 53 - one warning sign - she is "Currently Separated" which is one reason it took me so long to send a message. She lives relatively close by. Her profile was excellently written, full of thoughtful self-observation. And she seemed like a realistic optimist. Actually, looking through her pictures, I think I might have actually written her before. Sigh.

Two other items of note. One - a woman actually wrote me from 60 and living less than 50 miles away. Not much there in terms of profile verbiage, but I will certainly write back - actually soon after I post this note.

Two - I had a nice phone call with one of the women with whom I am corresponding. This is noteworthy for a couple of reasons. First, on my part, I don't usually enjoy phone calls. Partly because of the reception (or lack there of) in my house. Partly because if my mom is awake, it confuses her when I talk on the phone. Second, because some people are not as ready to talk on the phone for whatever reason. They keep their phone number a secret for as long as they possibly can, only giving it out when a meeting in person is imminent. I understand there concerns in an academic way as I have not yet had to deal with anyone who has been the least little bit stalkery.

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